Secure Web Form Delivery

Keep your visitors' form posts secure.

From submission to retrieval, sensitive data is kept secure.

Data security is one of our top priorities at Banyan Theory. To help keep sensitive customer information from being obtained by unauthorized parties, we handle form submission data in a way that keeps it out of your email. In fact, we never email sensitive information, because email is not a secure method of transfer.

Here's how we handle form submission data:

  1. Submission — A visitor submits a form on your website, and it's securely sent from their browser to our servers over an encrypted connection using SSL.

  2. Storage — LightRail (our insurance website platform) stores the data in our encrypted database, where it will wait to be viewed by you.

  3. Notification — LightRail then sends you an email, notifying you that there's a new form submission to view. The email contains the type of form that was submitted (e.g., "Auto quote request") and a link to our secure dashboard where you can view the submission, but no details are included in the email.

  4. Retrieval — When you click the link in the email and sign in to your account, you'll be able to see all of the form submission details, including downloading it as a PDF if you'd like. (When you sign in, you can check the "Remember me" checkbox so that you don't have to sign in every time you receive one of these notification emails.)

This is how we've handled form submission data since we started out 17 years ago in 2007.

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